To guide the Halton community to foster equity, diversity and inclusion in the region.
The Halton Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Charter is a living document based on feedback from Halton residents and community stakeholders. The Charter reflects the realities of residents’ experiences and their commitment to removing systemic barriers and championing inclusionary practices. The purpose of the Charter is to guide the Halton community to foster equity, diversity and inclusion in the region.
Halton is comprised of the vibrant municipalities of Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable (HEDR) conducted consultations to understand significant issues facing residents. Priorities identified include accessible transportation and affordable housing. Key concerns raised relate to racialization of poverty, racism, lack of cultural awareness and limited sense of belonging due to increasing isolation.

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The Halton Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Charter was created through the voices of the community. Both quantitative and qualitative data were captured in the research collection methods of the Charter project. The process involved the development of a survey, with a set minimum of 200 participants. In addition to utilizing surveys for data collection, the project also involved conducting consultations in the community. Focus groups, through collaboration with community partners and organizations, were hosted with diverse demographics in Halton. A total of five public consultations were conducted, ranging from 1.5 to 2 hours in length. The consultations were targeting diverse, vulnerable and marginalized groups within the community.